Helsinki Central Station has automatic luggage storage facilities.
Price depends on cells size. There are cells for 4, 6 and 8 euros.
Left-luggage working hours
Luggage storage is open every day from 5:20 to 23:00
Location of luggage storage in Helsinki
Luggage storage is located at the Helsinki Central Station:
How to use an automatic lockers:
- Find the locker that suits you.
- Put things in a locker.
- Close the locker.
- Pay with coins the first 24 hours of storage.
- Turn the key, thereby closing the locker.
- Be careful - after closing, if you open the locker, you will have to pay again.
Take the key with you, then you can open the locker with it. The cell number is indicated on the key, but just in case, we recommend to take a photo of it (if the key will be lost, you will have a locker number on the photo).
Basic Rules
Payment is made for the first day, for the rest you will have to pay extra later.
The maximum storage time is 4 days. If you do not pick up your luggage within 3 months, it will be destroyed.